What Is An Email List?
Basically, an email list is a group of people who are very interested in your offers... so interested that they have consented to receive your email
In my previous blog post, I discussed the different groups that you need to serve in your business.
These four groups include:
Your Audience
Your Partners
Your Team
The Four Types of People You Need to Serve In Your Business
One thing you need to do is evaluate your business an determine if you are adequately serving each of
Why Set Business Goals?In a study among students at the Harvard School of Business, these questions were asked:"Have you set clear goals for your future? Are they written down? If
Why Are You In Business?
It's a simple question... "Why are you in business?"
If you can't answer this question, I guarantee you WON"T be successful.
What are your deepest desires for starting
How many times have you seen a presentation promoting the use of article marketing to generate traffic for your site? How about blogging? Forum marketing?
OK... have you tried it?
Not as
I know many of you don't consider yourself an author by any stretch of the imagination. But consider this... just by the fact that you have found my blog and
I have always utilized autoresponder email messages with every online business I have run.
First of all, if you only promote company splash pages, you never brand yourself and distinguish yourself