Hello… my name is Greg Ray and it’s a
pleasure to meet you. I have been
marketing online for several years and
I love it. By building a variety of
Internet based businesses, I have
gained the experience and knowledge
necessary to make money online.

I retired from the position of
technology director of a public school
district in Oklahoma. I built my
businesses part time working evenings
and weekends.

However, recently I became a full time
online marketer, and it’s great. My
main passion in life is helping other

Now I wish to share with you my
experience in hope that you too can
build your own dream. I built my
entire marketing system so that
everything fits together and works
together, each segment of the
marketing system complementing the

If you are already involved in online
marketing, you have found a great
resource for your business in Greg Ray

If you haven’t started your own online
business yet, or if you are looking to
expand to additional streams of
income, I hope to help you select a
business opportunity that will work
well for you.

Helping People… It’s How I Measure

I see many people who are grasping for
the goal of getting rich… flashy
cars… traveling the world… money

But that’s not how I measure success!

I believe that I was set on this earth
to help other people… whether it’s
assisting others in their online
business endeavors… or just offering
a word of encouragement… however I
can contribute, I want to be of

So, don’t hesitate to ask… I’m here
to help.

In fact, my website tagline is
“Help… NOT Hype”.

I want to live up to that statement
every day!

The Goal Of This Website

GregRayMarketing.com is my flagship
website… it is my goal to provide
readers with amazing content,
including marketing tips, honest
product news and reviews, and

If you ever need a hand or have ay
questions, feel free to leave them
below and I will be more than happy to
help you out.

All the best,

Greg Ray