Shocking Report the Gurus Don't Want You to Ready Reveals Why You'll Never Succeed Online

This controversial report may shock you but the truth needs to be told. If you've been struggling online this report will open your eyes.

MLM Gateway is a marketing resource that a lot of home business owners use to build their home based business… including myself.

Most of the members of MLM Gateway consider themselves as a Network Marketer… right?

That’s why they’re there in the first place… they want to build their network marketing business by “networking” with other “like-minded” people.

So why would I say the term “Network Marketing” is a “Misnomer”?


Have I got your curiosity up yet?

To answer that, let’s first define the term “misnomer”. says that a “misnomer” is something that has a “misapplied or inappropriate name or designation”.

So how is “Network Marketing” a misnomer?

Plain and simple… most network marketers DON’T really know how to market their business.


What I’ve Been Doing…

At this point and time, while I have referred 29 personally sponsored members to my team, most of these really don’t know how to market their business.

My answer to this issue personally has been to build capture pages, and set up autoresponders to present and promote my business.

But, since my team members don’t know how to market themselves, I then have to build these marketing funnels for them, and everyone they bring into the business as well… at present I have 88 total team members in my downline.

You can see where this is going, can’t you? I am limited by my time… there are only 24 hours in each day, right?


The Need For Quality “Marketing Training”…

My belief is that anyone can be successful in a network marketing business when they truly understand how to market their business… whatever that may be.

That success is NOT based on joining a certain company… there are very successful entrepreneurs in every network marketing company… right?

Success is built upon building and promoting yourself… your brand.


Grab My Free Internet Marketing Training…

So, what I have done is purchase rights to an Internet Marketing Training Center of 80+ videos that cover every aspect of marketing your internet based business, whether it’s network marketing, affiliate marketing, eCommerce, or creating and selling information products like ebooks, audios and video training.

I am making this entire collection totally free to everyone on my team… plus, I am going one step further.  I am opening this complete marketing training collection to anyone in any business model, any company, anyone who wants to learn how to market online.

Yes, when you subscribe to receive access to the training, I will send you a few emails that tell you about my primary business. That’s how it works… I give you the free training acces and you agree to view a few emails… quid pro quo, so to speak.

You can use this training personally, and you can also share it with your own team… just point them to this blog post.

Here’s the greatest thing about my primary business… it will work either as a stand alone program as your primary business… or is will work along side ANYTHING you are already doing. It has a very low startup cost… anyone can afford it.

OK… here’s the link you’re loking for…

Get Instant Access to Over 80 Step-by-Step
Training Videos to Start and Build Your
Internet Business and Make Your First Sale…

Discover how to:
– Get Website Traffic…
– Build an Email List…
– Create Information Products…
– Write Words That Sell…
– Build A Sales Funnel…
– Upload Your Website…
– Create Payment Buttons…


– No Cost!
– Strings!
– No Kidding!

Click the link below and fill out the simple form…


Greg Ray - Greg Ray Marketing

Greg Ray
Platinum Team Leader


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