Shocking Report the Gurus Don't Want You to Ready Reveals Why You'll Never Succeed Online

This controversial report may shock you but the truth needs to be told. If you've been struggling online this report will open your eyes.

Email Marketing


What Is An Email List?

Basically, an email list is a group of people who are very interested in your offers… so interested that they have consented to receive your email messages.  They are usually collected through an “opt-in” process whereby they submit their email contact information in exchange for something they wish to receive… usually a digitally delivered information product such as an ebook, or an audio or video training.

Simply put, they said, “I’ll give you my email, you send me your “freebie”.

So, what do we know about the individuals that subscribe to your list?

We know at least one thing that they are interested in your offer… interested enough that they will risk giving out their private information to receive it.

We know that they at least have access to a computer or smartphone and the internet.

We know that are computer literate enough to download and consume a digital product.

That’s really all the information you need to know to begin a trust relationship with that person, with the ultimate goal of turning them into a paying customer.


Why Must You Build A List?

You will be building a targeted “audience” of subscribers who are interested in your offers.

You will be building traffic and money on demand.  If you have a new product to offer, you won’t need to worry about generating the traffic you need to visit your website… you just send out an email. If you need to generate cash, you simply find a new offer that you believe will benefit the members of your list and send an email. It’s a simple concept.

If done right, you will be building a loyal group of followers that know, like, and trust you… you will be building an ongoing relationship with those followers.

You can become a marketing powerhouse.

You can communicate with people who make up your target market in a personalized way.

You can set up your autopilot marketing system enabling you to make money while you sleep.

OK… I’ve shown you what a “list” is, and I’ve discussed why you need a list.

Are you on board with me so far?


The Next Step…

So, now I give you the bad news… list building is hard to do and it takes a long time to learn how to do it right.

But here’s how you can speed up the process…

Check out the video membership link below and access the free training.  The Web Profits Club will show you ten different ways to make money online utilizing the web and email marketing… and it’s free!

(If you truly get value from the free silver membership, there is an upgraded gold membership that sells for less than $25.)

Will you risk a few minutes of your day and access the free video membership below?


Web Profits Club
(Click the image to Access Your Free Membership)

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