Shocking Report the Gurus Don't Want You to Ready Reveals Why You'll Never Succeed Online

This controversial report may shock you but the truth needs to be told. If you've been struggling online this report will open your eyes.

Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn is one of my favorite mentors. I have read many of his books, and listened to his audios. I’m so sad that he has passed on now, but what a treasure of knowledge and motivation he left behind.

So, how to you react to the Jim Rohn quote I used as the title of this post?

Jim Rohn told a story once of a young man who was dissatisfied with his circumstances in life.  When he was asked why he did not like his job, he said that his company didn’t pay much.

His mentor remarked, “Oh, really.  How much does the CEO of the company make?”

The young man guessed at the amount he received, and his wise tutor replied, “I see… so your company doesn’t pay YOU much.  You need to make YOURSELF better so that YOU are of more value.”

Why not apply this principle to your circumstances?

Are you not making much in your job or your work at home business?

Jim Rohn taught that “We achieve rewards and we make progress not by our intense pursuits, but by what we become.  It is what we are that finally determines the results we attract.”

Our attitude determines the quality of our life… our attitude also determines the quality of our pursuits. As we become a better person, a better communicator, a better motivator, a better leader, a better servant… we will be ultimately rewarded in like manner.

Just something to think about…

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