How Do You Focus On A Balanced Life
Between Business and Family?
As I sat down to write this post, I looked through one of my notebooks for an idea… I ran across this half page list, and it just jumped out at me. It caused me to think… to re-evaluate the approach I have been taking in my business activities.
You see, I have “tunnel vision”. I tend to be “hyper” focused on the task at hand… so much that I tend to be oblivious to anything else around me… events… family… sometimes I don’t even hear my cell phone ring.
At the same time, I can also be the exact opposite. Even though I can be totally fixated on a project one minute, I can go off in a totally different direction in a flash. And then, once again, I put my “blinders” on.
Because of this, I tend to have great difficulty finishing my business projects… or any project, for that matter.
For instance, today I had the goal of completing a post for my blog… it was my primary task for the day. And yet, even though it was top on my list, I got sidetracked multiple times, and here I am at 6:00 p.m., finally writing this piece while watching the news on TV with my wife. I had all day to do this while she was at her mom’s… and now, I am once again NOT giving her the full attention she deserves.
So here’s the entire list… it’s short, but it contains a lot of wisdom.
I hope that as you read this, you too will re-evaluate your business activities, weighing the importance of the business tasks and the importance of your family.
While it is definitely essential to be focused on doing what it takes to reach the success you want in your business efforts, it is even more important to make time for your family.
I don’t remember where I got these, or who wrote them originally… but here is the list, along with some personal thoughts on each…
How Do You Focus On A Balanced Life?
1. Schedule 1-2 days each week for your family… NO business activities.
(I reserve Sundays, all day… I make time for family activities FIRST on Saturdays… I might do some business activities afterwards, but family activities come first.)
2. Schedule one day each week to write up your whole weeks “to do” list
(If you take the time to plan your business activities, it will help keep you focused and moving forward each day. I know that when I do this, I am much less distracted. If you can keep your schedule “on track” you will not have to steal “family” time to get everything done.)
3. Take the 5th week off each month… spend extra time with family… NO business tasks.
(Very seldom is the 5th week an entire week… usually it’s only 2-3 days. This month is a bit unusual as there are six days in the last week, but that’s OK. It’s good to relax with the family for a few days… get your batteries recharged.)
So, here’s my recommendation… take time during the remainder of this month to plan out your schedule for next month. Decide on which days you will work, and which days you’ll reserve for the family… and stick to it!
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