Shocking Report the Gurus Don't Want You to Ready Reveals Why You'll Never Succeed Online

This controversial report may shock you but the truth needs to be told. If you've been struggling online this report will open your eyes.

Hit Your Goal

Why do successful people continue to hit their goals and accomplish more in life?

Successful people develop several habits in life that make a huge contribution to their success. Let’s look at some of these habits…

1. Positive Thinking – Don’t turn negative when encountering the roadblocks in life. Attack them as a challenge… a positive mindset not only allows you to keep motivated, but it also opens your mind to explore the many possible solutions to your challenges.

2. Learning – My mission statement as a 35 year veteran in education was to develop students into life-long learners. Make it a goal each day to learn something new. Read a book, watch a webinar, listen to a CD… just find a way that fits your learning style, and improve your knowledge each day. My suggestion is to spend 30 minutes each day learning something new.

3. Focus On One Goal – First, it is essential to have developed a list of goals. Break those down into manageable chunks… I call these goals, objectives, strategies, and tasks. Focus on one goal… what are the objectives you need to accomplish to reach this goal? What strategies do I employ to meet the objectives? What tasks are involved with this strategy?

Of course, there are long term and short term goals. Identify the objective, strategies, and tasks necessary to reach a long term goal. Pick an action you can do each day toward that goal and accomplish it. Keep doing that until the goal is reached.

Some goals are ongoing, like writing blog posts. These goals as a whole are actually never completed as they are ongoing. Only the objectives, strategies, and tasks are completed. You meet the goal by doing the daily activities associated with this goal.

4. Focus On One Task At A Time – Here is something that really challenges me. This is the opposite of multi-tasking. Focus on one task at a time until completion. I tend to start one project, and before finishing, I find myself captivated by another idea, and I am off on another tangent. But here’s the deal…when I focus on one task at a time until completion I am more effective and I get more done.

5. Dedicated Work Time – A goal without action is just a wish. Schedule time each day to focus on goal accomplishment. Stick to your schedule. This does not include reading emails, researching with Google, or socializing on Facebook. Focus on tasks that directly affect the accomplishment of your goals.

Part of success is preparation on purpose… Jim Rohn



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