Shocking Report the Gurus Don't Want You to Ready Reveals Why You'll Never Succeed Online

This controversial report may shock you but the truth needs to be told. If you've been struggling online this report will open your eyes.

4 Reasons to Write Your Own eBook

I know many of you don’t consider yourself an author by any stretch of the imagination. But consider this… just by the fact that you have found my blog and you are researching more ways to promote your business means that you have more marketing knowledge that most other online business owners.

So, take some time, do some research, and jot down some of the marketing tips, strategies, tools, and resources that you can use in your business. Then, use this list to build an outline for an eBook. You have now created a unique and personalized marketing tool that no one else can offer.


Here are four reasons to seriously think about…

The most obvious reason is to entice the visitors to your website to give you their email contact information in exchange for the FREE download.  It’s a even exchange… they get the FREE product and you get to add them to your marketing list. Be sure you offer QUALITY content!

2. Get FREE advertising by offering your eBook on numerous freebie sites… just be sure to include affiliate links or links to your website within the pages of your eBook. You can score double by encouraging readers to share your eBook with their friends and business partners.

3. In the resources section of your eBook, display promotions for related products that you are selling… turn your FREE eBook into product sales.

4. Build your BRAND online with your FREE product offering. Build your reputation as an expert in your field. This works even better if you also publish a Kindle version on Amazon. You are giving them a free digital version of the book that they would normally have to purchase from Amazon.

Here’s a collection of additional ideas you can incorporate into you own online marketing efforts… and it’s free to join!

Web Profits Club


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