The download links you are looking for are listed below. As each email in my apology series goes out, I will place the Bonus Download links here on this page. Also, in case you missed any of the emails that explain the current status of Digital Info Gold, I will be placing each of the three emails here as well.

You are a valued subscriber and customer… I am making every effort I can think of to serve you in a better way. My primary goal is to help YOU succeed online.

If I help YOU to become a success, then I am a success as well.

(Scroll Down to access product download links)

Apology Message and Bonus Downloads #1

Here’s message #1:

[DIG] My Apology… and a Bonus Download

Hello my friend…. Greg Ray here from Digital Info Gold and my newly formed

I am sorry that I have not kept in touch well lately.

To make it up to you, check the bottom of this email for one of three bonus gift downloads.

Here’s what’s been going on…

I took the family on vacation back in late September, and since getting back, I have been making a lot of changes in my online business.

First off, I have partnered with industry giant, John Thornhill, and his Partnership To Success program.

Partnership To Success is basically three programs in one…

First and foremost, Partnership To Success is an online business training and mentorship program. P2S focuses on list building, affiliate marketing, and digital product creation… all of which are lined up exactly with my business model. Partnership To Success is setup with weekly training segments for a full year (52 trainings), but you can Fast Track ahead if you wish. I completed through week 6 in about two weeks.

The second facet of Partnership To Success is to network with other P2S students to help each other along, and to set up affiliate agreements with the other members as you get to the product creation phase. I have already made some great alliances that are sure to pay big dividends in the weeks to come.

The third reason I teamed up with John Thornhill is the way he assists us in not only creating our own digital products to market, but he also leads us through the launch as well… and he even promotes it to his massive list of subscribers, and we keep all of the money. Members typically make hundreds of product sales because of his promotions alone. I’ve never seen any other training program do this for their students.

So, what does this do for you? How do you benefit?

Number one – I will be passing on my training to you in the form of teaching through my emails and blog posts.

Number two – I will be reporting on my progress and earnings through the Partnership To Success program… that will allow you an inside look look at P2S without any hype or exaggerations. Sometime in the future you may want to get started as well.

Number three – As I network with the other marketers within the program, I will be able to work better deals for my subscribers.

My promise…

Finally, I vow to do a better job for you as my subscribers… Deal?

OK, here is the product bonus…

I am also working with another well known marketer as my mentor in the online coaching niche. His name is Sean Mize.

I recently entered into an agreement with Sean to be able to share a number of his podcast trainings at absolutely no cost to you.

Here are the three trainings I have chosen for this first bonus…

Sean’s 30 Day Action Plan
Sean’s Advanced 30,000 Foot Blueprint
Sean’s Entrepreneurial Mindset Training

Grab these today before I take them down!

Here’s the download link ===>

Thank You for connecting with me…

Greg Ray Marketing

P.S. -> In order that all of my subscribers get this information, I am sending it out 3 different parts. Each email will be a little different, and each email will have a link to additional product downloads. So, watch for the next email with the subject line that reads
“[DIG] My Apology Part2… and Another Bonus Download”… it will arrive later on today.

Thanks again!

Bonus Downloads #1

Simply click on the links below to download…

Sean’s 30 Day Action Plan
Sean’s Advanced 30,000 Foot Blueprint
Sean’s Entrepreneurial Mindset Training

[DIG] My Apology Part2… and Another Bonus Download

Hello again… Greg Ray here from Digital Info Gold and my newly formed

Earlier today you received my first in a 3-Part email series that is in effect an apology for my not keeping in touch with you over the past couple of months. My business model relies greatly on email marketing, and if I don’t keep in touch, it would be like someone with a storefront business closing their doors unannounced for a period of time… not a good business practice.

Anyway, if you missed the first email, that’s OK… I am putting all 3 emails on the My Apology Bonus products download page.

What’s Been Going On…

The main purpose for the 3 emails is to catch you up with what’s been going on with Digital Info Gold since September 2018.

In the first part of this email series I pointed out how my new partnership with master marketer, John Thornhill, benefits both you and me.

In this second part I want to explain how the Digital Info Gold is changing for your benefit.

The Digital Info Gold Remake…

My flagship website, Digital Info Gold, is in the process of a complete makeover. Why?

I recently learned, from 3 different mentors, that shared hosting with addon domains and tons of hosted product files is a big “No-No”.

It slows down your website, causes problems for website scripts, and each domain needs it own cPanlel for maximum benefit. And if someone else on the same hosting server gets their ip blacklisted, so do you!

Guess what I’d been doing?

I had a total of 3 hosting packages with more than 15 different domains and thousands of hosted product files… again, not a good business practice.

So, the first step for Digital Info Gold has been to move ALL of my hosted product files onto Amazon S3 hosting… over 220 Gigabyte of products files… yes, I said Gigabyte.

I live in rural Oklahoma, and the DSL from my internet provider has decent download speed, but uploads are atrocious.

Try moving all that data at the crawing speeds I get, and you can definitely see why the transformation process is taking so long. Some of my video training product files are over a GB in size, and these can take all night just for one file.

I have also invested in the Optimize Press Pro for all my websites and memberships… it will be much better… plus, my WordPress theme and membership script are both from the same source, and they will work together like “hand in glove”!

Here’s your Bonus Downloads…

OK, here’s the part you’re probably most interested in… your downloads.

Just click on this link to access ===>

Thanks again for being one of my subscribers

Greg Ray Marketing

P.S. -> In order that all of my subscribers get this vital information, I am sending it out 3 different parts. Watch tomorrow for the third installment of my “Apology” email series… the subject line will read: [DIG] My Apology Part3… and Your Third Bonus Download Package

Thanks again!

Bonus Downloads #2

Simply click on the links below to download…

Sean’s Article Marketing Traffic
Sean’s Article Marketing for SE Ranking
Sean’s The Power of Resilience As An Entrepreneur

[DIG] My Apology Part3… and Your Third Bonus Download Package

Hello again… Greg Ray here from Digital Info Gold and my newly formed

I hope that everything is going well for you today.

This is my third and final installment of my email series I titled “My Apology”…

Yes, it is an actual apology and a promise to do a better job of helping you with your online business.

But it is also a report on the status of my online business ventures and where they are going as well.

Too Many Websites to Support…

As I mentioned yesterday, my primary website,, is undergoing a complete rebuild. But I also had over 15 other web properties, most of them blog-based, and quite frankly it was just to difficult to keep them all up to date.

I had niche based web sites, websites to support different network marketing businesses, affiliate based sites, and even a couple of web store sites.

On the advice of my new mentors and trainers from Partnership To Success, I have re-evaluated my web presence and I am both combining and closing down several sites, and moving all of the best content to a new site at

This will be the hub of ALL of my online marketing ventures. Basically, I will just have two websites… and

State of the Union… So To Speak

Each year the president gives his “State of the Union” speech… so here is mine:

The Greg Ray Marketing site will be built around my online coaching and affiliate marketing businesses… and Digital Info Gold will focus on my digital product business. is basically completed… of course, I’ll constantly be adding more new content and training resources.

I have completed the transfer of my product library for Digital Info Gold, and will be rebuilding the Digital Info Gold site itself in the near future (and relocating it to new hosting).

Get Updated Regularly…

So, if you haven’t already done so, check out my Greg Ray Marketing blog at Look for the subscription form in the top right corner of each page and connect with me to receive site updates and product news.

I am so looking forward to better serving YOU and YOUR online marketing ventures with this new website.

More Bonus Downloads…

Here is another BONUS for you… three more podcasts by my online coaching mentor, Sean Mize.

I recently purchase a huge podcast training package to be able to share the content with you at absolutely no cost.

Here are the three trainings I have chosen for this first bonus…

Sean’s Fast Product Creation
Sean’s Create A Product Funnel
Sean’s Create 4 Products Per Month

Grab these today before I take them down!

Here’s the download link ===>

Thanks again for being one of my subscribers

Greg from
Greg Ray Marketing

Bonus Downloads #3

Simply click on the links below to download…

Sean’s Fast Product Creation
Sean’s Create A Product Funnel
Sean’s Create 4 Products Per Month